Creating and sending nice HTML+Text mails from python
I decided I needed an automatic report of some things on my email every day, and I wanted it to look nice both in plain text and HTML. Here's what I came up with.
Let's assume you created the HTML version using whatever mechanism you wish, and have it in a variable called "report".
Here's the imports we will use:
import smtplib,email,os,tempfile from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.Charset import Charset
And here's the code:
# Create a HTML mail part hpart=MIMEText(reporte, _subtype='html', _charset='utf-8') # Create a plain text mail part # Ugly and requires links, but makes for a great-looking plain text version ;-) tf=tempfile.mkstemp() t=open(tf,'w') t.write(report) t.close() tpart=MIMEText(os.popen('links -dump %s'%tf,'r').read(), _subtype='plain', _charset='utf-8') os.unlink(tf) # Create the message with both parts attached msg=MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.attach(hpart) msg.attach(tpart) # Standard headers (add all you need, for example, date) msg['Subject'] = 'Report' msg['From'] = '' msg['To'] = '' #If you need to use SMTP authentication, change accordingly smtp=smtplib.SMTP(''') smtp.sendmail('','',msg.as_string())