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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre linux (publicaciones antiguas, página 16)

Por qué sigo usando Arch Linux

Que­ría pro­bar rs­t2­pdf contra re­por­tlab de SVN, wor­da­xe de SVN y do­cu­tils de SVN, y que­ría que fue­ra fá­ci­l.

So­lu­ció­n: Los em­pa­que­té en AUR!

Ahora, cada vez que quiero probar rst2pdf contra wordaxe de trunk SVN, hago un yaourt -S py­tho­n-wor­da­xe-s­vn y para volver a wordaxe estable hago yaourt -S py­tho­n-wor­da­xe.

El pa­que­te SVN siem­pre es trunk ac­tua­li­za­do sin mo­di­fi­ca­cio­nes, y pue­do ir y vol­ver en unos 45 se­gun­do­s, sin rom­per pa­que­tes del sis­te­ma.

También puedo mantener mis paquetes SVN instalados al día con un yaourt -Su --­de­vel cada tanto.

Co­mo lo hu­bie­ra he­cho usan­do De­bian o al­go ba­sa­do en RPM? Su­pon­go que por atrás del sis­te­ma de pa­que­tes (que odio ha­cer­lo) o ha­cien­do un re­po pri­va­do (que es tris­te) o con un re­po pú­bli­co (que es tra­ba­jo­!).

La ver­dad si uno pro­gra­ma, no se me ocu­rre una dis­tro que te ha­ga la vi­da más fá­cil que Ar­ch. Ca­si to­do es­tá ahí (12K pa­que­tes en un­su­pporte­d!) y si no es­tá son 5 mi­nu­tos pa­ra me­ter­lo en AUR y ayu­dar a la co­mu­ni­da­d.

Su­po­né que es­tás ha­cien­do una apli­ca­ción KDE. En la ma­yo­ría de las dis­tros te­nés que ins­ta­lar­te tu pro­pia co­pia de kde­libs de los fuen­tes pa­ra te­ner la úl­ti­ma ver­sión y ase­gu­rar­te que no es­tá arrui­na­da por par­ches es­pe­cí­fi­cos de la dis­tro.

En ar­ch? Em­par­char es­tá mal vis­to. No te­ner la úl­ti­ma ver­sión es­tá mal vis­to. Así que es más o me­nos el am­bien­te ideal pa­ra de­sa­rro­llar con KDE, GNO­ME, Py­Qt o lo que sea.

Si mi tiem­po no es­tu­vie­ra ocu­pao un 150% in­ten­ta­ría ser de­sa­rro­lla­dor Ar­ch, o por lo me­nos un TU (Trus­ted Use­r).

Ca­paz la pr­óxi­ma reen­car­na­ción :-)

Quiero una de estas cosas, pero necesito una excusa!

  • Se­r­­vi­­dor de Ba­­cku­­p? Dis­­co ex­­terno US­­B, me­­to to­­­do en una ca­­ja, in­s­­ta­­lo ba­­cu­­la y/o rdi­­ff-­­ba­­ckup?

  • Mis­­mo ha­r­­dwa­­re, se­r­­vi­­dor MPD ?

  • Ide­­m, SAN ho­­­ga­­re­­ño?

  • Se­r­­ver po­r­­tá­­til de de­­mo? Po­­­dría in­s­­ta­­lar al­­gu­­nas so­­­lu­­cio­­­nes en ta­r­­je­­tas SD y ha­­cer de­­mos pa­­ra clien­­tes con es­­to y mi ne­­tbook.

Se acep­tan su­ge­ren­cia­s...

Blog readership statistics.

I am not sure if this is good or bad:


On one hand, I have more sub­scribers than ev­er, even con­sid­er­ing when this blog was in plan­etkde (BTW: maybe I should add my pyqt feed there again? Nah, I don't qual­i­fy as "ac­tive KDE con­trib­u­tor")

The dip in the last three monts was be­cause I just post­ed noth­ing, and now I am post­ing again, it's do­ing well.

On the oth­er hand, I am at 50-­some sub­scriber­s, which is a bit pa­thet­ic for a blog that has ex­ist­ed for over 9 years ;-)

On the grip­ping hand (Lar­ry Niv­en FTW!) I am hav­ing more fun with the blog than I had in quite a while, so I would post even if noone read it.

And in case you are won­der­ing what that peak of over 6000 reach (the av­er­age is un­der 100!) it's this. That post had over 12000 vis­i­tors. My sec­ond most pop­u­lar sto­ry had on­ly 3800.


Here's the most pop­u­lar con­tent in the last 2 years or so, se­lect­ed from 783 posts (784 with this one) and 47 longer sto­ries:

  1. 12228 vis­i­­tors: Win­­dows: My eX­Pe­ri­ence

    So I wan­t­ed to see what win­­dows looked like. Don't wor­ry, I feel bet­ter now.

  2. 3797 vis­i­­tors: Mak­ing Lin­ux sys­tems that don't suck. Part II

    A rant on cron and at. I nev­er imag­ined this would be num­ber 2.

  3. 2968 vis­i­­tors: BOP: Ball Ori­en­t­ed pro­­gram­ming

    I am rather proud of this one: a pyqt-based graph­i­­cal, an­i­­mat­ed in­­ter­preter for FLIP, a lan­guage based on balls :-)

  4. 2888 vis­i­­tors: Good News: Lin­ux gives life to old hard­ware. Bad News: Maybe in some cas­es it should­n't.

    Sil­­ly, yes, but a cool pic­­ture :-)

  5. 1870 vis­i­­tors: Py­­Cel­l­s: The Python Spread­­Sheet re­­dux

    My sec­ond or third at­tempt at writ­ing a toy spread­­sheet us­ing python. I have been at it for about 5 years, ap­­par­en­t­­ly.

    This is pop­u­lar... even when the code it de­scribes is based on a com­­plete­­ly bro­ken li­brary!

  6. 1841 vis­i­­tors: Squid au­then­ti­­ca­­tion via POP or IMAP

    This was al­ready about 4 years old when I start­ed coun­t­ing, so I have no idea how many vis­i­­tors it re­al­­ly had. It is a handy scrip­t, I still use it some­­times!

  7. 1813 vis­i­­tors: The Lin­ux Boot­ing Process Un­veiled

    I re­al­­ly ex­pec­t­ed this one to be much high­­er. It's even linked from wikipedi­a! Ev­ery day it has 2 or 3 hit­s. Then again, the first 3 years are not be­ing coun­t­ed ;-)

  8. 1706 vis­i­­tors: Queue Man­age­­ment for Qmail

    While the tool it in­­tro­­duces is lame nowa­­days, the ideas are sound, and it ex­­plains a re­al prob­lem.

  9. 1548 vis­i­­tors: Cus­­tom wid­gets us­ing PyQt

    Very ob­­so­lete, noone should read that.

  10. 1505 vis­i­­tors: How to make your own dis­­tro in 3 not-­­so sim­­ple steps

    Oh, this one. It is wrong. It gives bad ad­vice. Yet noone seems to no­tice ;-) Not my best idea, not my best ef­­fort, still get email about it ev­ery month or so.

Old fashioned mail: Cone

I had one too many prob­lems with kmail from KDE4 in my eee with Kubun­tu, and sylpheed-­claws is just un­us­able in a small screen (the huge wid­get­s! the non-hid­able things all over the in­ter­face!) I de­cid­ed to get old fash­ioned and try a con­sole mail read­er.

I was a pine us­er for many years, and a mutt us­er for a while, and I was deeply dis­ap­point­ed that the last three years have been bad for these pro­gram­s.

Just be­cause you run in a ter­mi­nal, there's no rea­son to be hard to con­fig­ure! Af­ter spend­ing 20 min­utes try­ing to get a de­cent IMAP ac­count set­up (just two IMAP ac­counts) in alpine and an­oth­er 10 won­der­ing if mutt re­al­ly had no place in the UI for ac­count con­fig­u­ra­tion (and whether the De­bian/KUbun­tu de­fault "com­ment­ed" con­fig file is the prod­uct of hard drugs), I tried Cone.

It was blis­s. It was all I re­mem­bered from pine years ago (on lo­cal ac­counts) on­ly over IMAP.

Easy to con­fig­ure, easy to use, quick, ca­pa­ble. I was in love all over again.

While I will keep us­ing KMail on my main note­book un­der Arch Lin­ux where I had no re­li­a­bil­i­ty prob­lems what­so­ev­er, I have Cone con­fig­ured in my server's shell ac­count and in the eee.

Linux ayuda a Windows: Mandar SMS

Es­toy se­gu­ro que tie­ne que ha­ber al­gu­na ma­ne­ra de ha­cer­lo an­da­r. Por otro la­do, ya lo te­nía an­dan­do en Li­nu­x... así que uno pue­de sim­ple­men­te usar es­to en un Li­nux ami­go, y man­dar men­sa­jes SMS ac­ce­dien­do a una URL es­pe­cia­l:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from colubrid import BaseApplication, HttpResponse, execute
import os

class SMSApplication(BaseApplication):

  def process_request(self):
      numero = self.request.args.get('numero')
      mensaje = self.request.args.get('mensaje')
      [entrada,salida]=os.popen4('/usr/bin/gnokii --sendsms %s'%numero,mode='rw')
      response = HttpResponse(msg)
      response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
      return response

if __name__ == '__main__':
  execute(SMSApplication,debug=True, hostname='mybox.domain.internal', port=8080,reload=True)

Si alguien abre http://­m­y­bo­x.­do­mai­­ter­na­l:8080/?­nu­me­ro­=1234?­men­sa­je=ho­la%20­mun­do manda "hola mundo" al numero 1234.

Su­pon­go que po­dría de­cir que es un ser­vi­cio web de te­le­fo­nía, pe­ro es la so­lu­ción de 5 mi­nu­tos que se me ocu­rrió.

Usa una co­sa que se lla­ma co­lu­brid que no es real­men­te un fra­mewo­rk web y no al­go co­no­ci­do por­que que­ría man­te­ner­lo sim­ple, y no se po­ne mu­cho más sim­ple que es­to.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina